Jane Dobbins Green: Ray Kroc’s Second Wife Was Overlooked in McDonald’s Documentary

Ray Kroc, the visionary behind the global expansion of McDonald’s, is a name synonymous with fast-food innovation. Yet, a significant chapter of his personal life remains unexplored in the widely viewed 2016 documentary The Founder.

This chapter involves Jane Dobbins Green, Ray Kroc’s second wife, whose life and contributions have been largely overlooked. This article delves deeply into Jane Dobbins Green’s story, examining her overlooked role in Ray Kroc’s life and exploring the facets of her life that remain unnoticed.

She Wasn’t Credited in Ray’s Documentary

The Founder documentary offers a detailed portrayal of Ray Kroc’s business acumen and personal life. However, it focuses primarily on his relationships with his first wife, Ethel Fleming, and his third wife, Joan Kroc, leaving out Jane Dobbins Green entirely. This omission is particularly noteworthy given the pivotal role Jane played during a transformative period for Kroc and McDonald’s.

The Focus of The Founder

The film The Founder is celebrated for its comprehensive look at Kroc’s journey from a struggling milkshake machine salesman to the global powerhouse behind McDonald’s. It highlights his drive, strategic brilliance, and the business partnerships that fueled the chain’s expansion. The documentary also examines his first marriage to Ethel Fleming and his second, more public marriage to Joan Kroc.

Jane Dobbins Green’s Absence

Jane Dobbins Green’s Absence

Despite her significant role, Jane Dobbins Green is conspicuously absent from the documentary. Jane, who was once John Wayne’s secretary, married Ray Kroc during a critical phase of his career. Their marriage in 1963 coincided with a period of intense growth for McDonald’s. Yet, her absence from The Founder suggests a deliberate focus on other aspects of Kroc’s life, possibly to streamline the narrative or emphasize more dramatic elements.

Implications of the Omission

The exclusion of Jane Dobbins Green from the documentary affects how viewers perceive Ray Kroc’s personal history. Her story represents a unique and complex chapter in Kroc’s life that could provide valuable insights into his character and the challenges he faced. The omission raises questions about the completeness of the historical narrative presented and underscores the need for a more nuanced understanding of historical figures.

Her First Husband Died at 81

Ray Kroc’s life was marked by significant achievements and personal challenges. His death on January 14, 1984, at the age of 81, in San Diego, California, was a major event. Kroc’s health issues leading up to his death, including heart failure and a stroke, significantly impacted his final years.

Health Issues and Final Days

Ray Kroc’s health deteriorated in his later years, culminating in a stroke that led to his stay in an alcohol rehabilitation facility. Despite his immense wealth and the success of McDonald’s, Kroc faced significant personal struggles. His heart failure ultimately led to his passing, a poignant end to the life of a man who revolutionized the fast-food industry.

Kroc’s Wealth and Legacy

At the time of his death, Ray Kroc’s net worth was estimated at $600 million, a figure that reflects his extraordinary success in the fast-food business. This wealth was inherited by his third wife, Joan Kroc, who used it to further her philanthropic efforts. Joan’s legacy includes substantial donations to organizations like The Salvation Army for the establishment of Kroc Centers and National Public Radio, underscoring her commitment to social causes.

The Impact on Jane Dobbins Green

Jane Dobbins Green’s life was inevitably impacted by Ray Kroc’s wealth and his eventual passing. The transition of Kroc’s fortune to Joan Kroc also marked a significant shift in Jane’s circumstances. Despite this, Jane’s life following her marriage to Ray Kroc remained relatively private, focusing on her personal and familial relationships.

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Jane Was Married to Second Husband for Over a Decade Before Her Death

Jane Dobbins Green Second Husband

After her marriage to Ray Kroc ended in 1968, Jane Dobbins Green’s life took a new direction. She married Paul D. Whitney in 1984, and their life together lasted until her death in 2000. This period of Jane’s life is marked by stability and personal growth, contrasting with the more public phase of her earlier years.

Life with Paul D. Whitney

Jane’s marriage to Paul D. Whitney brought a sense of continuity and companionship after her tumultuous years with Ray Kroc. The couple settled into a quieter life, with Jane focusing on her personal interests and relationships. Their marriage provided Jane with a sense of stability and allowed her to enjoy her later years away from the public eye.

Final Years and Death

Jane Dobbins Green passed away on August 7, 2000, at the age of 88. Her final resting place is at Westwood Memorial Park in Los Angeles, California. Her death marked the end of a significant chapter in her life, one that had been intertwined with some of the most prominent figures in American culture.

Legacy and Remembering Jane

Jane’s legacy is often overshadowed by her association with Ray Kroc. However, her life and contributions deserve recognition beyond her role as Kroc’s second wife. Her later years with Paul D. Whitney and her eventual passing highlight the importance of acknowledging all aspects of an individual’s life.

She’s Often Mistaken for Famous British-American Author

_Jane Dobbins Green and Jane Green (author)

Jane Dobbins Green is frequently confused with Jane Green, a British-American author known for her best-selling novels. This mix-up has led to a number of inaccuracies and misunderstandings about Jane Dobbins Green’s life.

The Confusion with Jane Green

The confusion between Jane Dobbins Green and Jane Green (author) is a common issue. Jane Green, born in 1968, is a renowned novelist known for her books like Bookends (2002)Straight Talking: A Novel, and Spellbound (known as To Have and To Hold in the US). Her literary achievements have earned her widespread recognition and a significant following.

The Real Jane Dobbins Green

Jane Dobbins Green, in contrast, was a Hollywood socialite who gained prominence through her marriage to Ray Kroc. Unlike the author, Jane Dobbins Green’s public life was less about literary accomplishments and more about her personal relationships and societal role. The confusion between the two Janes highlights the need for clear differentiation between individuals with similar names.

Impact of the Mix-Up

The mix-up between Jane Dobbins Green and Jane Green (author) affects public perception and can lead to erroneous claims about Jane Dobbins Green’s life and achievements. It’s essential to distinguish between these two individuals to avoid perpetuating inaccuracies and to honor each person’s unique contributions.


Jane Dobbins Green’s role in Ray Kroc’s life, though often overlooked, offers valuable insights into the personal side of the man behind McDonald’s. While The Founder documentary highlights Kroc’s first and third marriages, Jane Dobbins Green’s story is a crucial part of his life’s narrative.

Her presence during a formative period in Kroc’s career, her later years with Paul D. Whitney, and the confusion with the British-American author Jane Green all contribute to a fuller understanding of her life.

As we continue to explore and document historical narratives, it’s important to recognize and acknowledge all aspects of individuals’ lives. Jane Dobbins Green’s story deserves to be remembered as a significant chapter in the life of Ray Kroc and in the broader context of American history.

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