What Is A Pillow Princess

The term pillow princess is often used within LGBTQ+ and queer communities to describe a specific type of sexual and romantic engagement. This term highlights a person who prefers to stay on the receiving end of sexual activities, often focusing on their own pleasure while leaving their partner to do most of the work. Understanding this term involves diving into its origins, recognizing the signs of being a pillow princess, and exploring related identities.

Where Did the Term ‘Pillow Princess’ Come From?

The term pillow princess originated from LGBTQ+ and queer communities, particularly within lesbian and bisexual relationships. It emerged as a way to describe a dynamic where one partner predominantly enjoys receiving pleasure but does not reciprocate or engage actively. While its exact origins are not definitively documented, it likely developed to discuss various dynamics and preferences in sexual relationships.

Historically, the term reflects an imbalance in effort and participation during intimate moments. It can also have a slightly derogatory connotation, implying a lack of enthusiasm or effort in contributing to a mutually satisfying experience. However, it’s essential to approach this term with sensitivity, as it can also serve as a way for individuals to describe and understand their sexual preferences and boundaries.

9 Signs That You’re A Pillow Princess

Signs That You are A Pillow Princess

Recognizing whether you might be a pillow princess involves understanding specific behaviors and preferences. Here are nine signs that you may identify with this term:

1. Passive Engagement

You tend to be passive during sexual encounters, often preferring to be pleasured rather than taking an active role. This means that you might find yourself more focused on receiving pleasure while leaving your partner to take charge of the activity.

2. Limited Initiatives

You rarely initiate sexual activities or show little to no enthusiasm for exploring new things in the bedroom. This lack of initiative can indicate a preference for letting your partner lead the experience.

3. Minimal Effort

You don’t put much effort into pleasing your partner sexually, focusing primarily on your own enjoyment. This minimal effort can be a significant indicator of a pillow princess dynamic.

4. Limited Communication

You may struggle with communicating your desires or providing feedback on what you enjoy or want during intimate moments. Effective communication is crucial for a satisfying sexual relationship, and a lack of it can contribute to a pillow princess label.

5. One-Sided Focus

Your focus during sexual encounters is primarily on receiving pleasure, rather than engaging in mutual satisfaction. This one-sided approach often means that your pleasure takes precedence over your partner’s experience.

6. Lack of Exploration

You may be unwilling to try new things or experiment sexually, especially if it involves reciprocation or effort on your part. A reluctance to explore can be a clear sign of a pillow princess.

7. Preference for Specific Acts

You often prefer specific sexual acts that cater to your own pleasure, without showing much interest in fulfilling your partner’s specific desires. This preference highlights a more self-centered approach to sexual activity.

8. Reluctance to Give Oral

You may be reluctant to engage in activities such as giving oral sex to your partner. This hesitation can further indicate a pillow princess dynamic, where giving pleasure is not a priority.

9. Short Duration

Sexual encounters may be relatively short, ending once you’ve achieved your own satisfaction without considering your partner’s needs. This brevity can reflect a focus on your pleasure rather than a mutual experience.

What Are Stone Tops, Stone Butches, and Touch Me Nots?

In addition to pillow princesses, several related identities within LGBTQ+ communities describe individuals who prefer specific roles in sexual encounters:

Stone Butch

Stone butch refers to butch lesbians who don’t “receive” sexually. This term gained popularity with Leslie Feinberg’s 1993 novel Stone Butch Blues, which explored the life of a working-class stone butch in the 1950s. Stone butches typically enjoy giving sexual pleasure but do not seek it for themselves.

Touch Me Not

Touch me not is a term used by some Black lesbians and queer individuals. Often, touch me nots are masculine-of-center lesbians or studs who prefer not to receive sexual touch but are comfortable giving it.

Stone Top

The term stone top is used by queer, trans, and non-binary individuals who wish to communicate their sexual roles and preferences. Unlike stone butches and touch me nots, stone top is not explicitly tied to gender or masculinity and is often used in various queer and kink contexts.

What Are Pillow Princesses and Stone Femmes?

Pillow Princesses and Stone Femmes

On the opposite end of the spectrum from stone butches and stone tops are pillow princesses and stone femmes.

Pillow Princess

A pillow princess is someone who enjoys receiving sexual touch but does not reciprocate. They are often femme, though this is not always the case. Pillow princesses may self-identify with this term, but it can also be used pejoratively. It’s crucial to approach this label with sensitivity and respect.

Stone Femme

The term stone femme refers to individuals who prefer receiving sexual touch but do not engage in giving it. Like stone butches, stone femmes have specific needs and preferences regarding sexual touch. They may find pleasure in receiving attention and care from their partners without reciprocating in a traditional sense.

How Do I Know If These Identities Are a Fit for Me?

Determining if pillow princess or related identities fit your experience involves introspection and exploration. Here are some steps to help you understand if these identities resonate with you:

  1. Reflect on Your Preferences: Consider how you feel about initiating sexual activities, giving pleasure, and exploring new things in the bedroom.
  2. Communicate with Your Partner: Having open conversations about desires, boundaries, and sexual preferences can help clarify your role and identity.
  3. Explore Different Labels: Understand that labels are not rigid. They can evolve as you learn more about yourself and your sexual preferences.
  4. Consult with Others: Engage with communities or individuals who share similar identities. Their experiences and insights might provide valuable perspectives.
  5. Embrace Fluidity: Recognize that your sexual identity may change over time. It’s okay to explore different roles and labels as you discover what works best for you.


Understanding terms like pillow princess, stone butch, and stone femme involves more than just definitions. It’s about exploring how these identities fit into broader discussions of sexual dynamics, pleasure, and personal fulfillment. Whether you identify with these terms or are simply curious, embracing open communication and self-reflection is key to navigating these complex and nuanced aspects of sexuality.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does “pillow queen” mean?

A “pillow queen” is similar to a “pillow princess,” someone who prefers receiving over giving in intimate situations.

What is a pillow top princess?

A “pillow top princess” enjoys being pampered or receiving affection in bed but may not reciprocate much.

Is pillow Prince a thing?

Yes, a “pillow prince” refers to a man who behaves similarly to a pillow princess, preferring to receive rather than give

What is the psychology of a pillow princess?

A pillow princess might enjoy passive roles in intimacy due to comfort, preference, or personal boundaries.

What is an example of a pillow princess?

Someone who enjoys being on the receiving end of affection without initiating or giving much back.

What is the opposite of a pillow princess?

The opposite would be a “stone top” or someone who prefers giving more than receiving in intimate situations.

How to be the best pillow princess?

Be clear about your preferences and communicate openly with your partner to ensure mutual satisfaction.

What is a stone top?

A “stone top” is someone who prefers to be the giver in intimacy and may avoid receiving pleasure themselves.

What is a stone bottom?

A “stone bottom” prefers to receive pleasure but doesn’t want to reciprocate or be touched intimately.

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