Andre Hakkak’s Wife Secures $13.6 Million Coral Gables Mansion

In a major real estate power move business mogul Andre Hakkak and his wife Marissa Shipman. They  have landed a stunning $13.6 million waterfront estate in the ultra-exclusive Gables Estates neighborhood of Coral Gables, Florida.

This acquisition ranks among the most expensive recent home sales in the area. And showcasing the couple’s substantial wealth and elevated lifestyle.

Background of Andre Hakkak and His Wife Marissa Shipman

Andre Hakkak is a towering figure in the business world. And renowned for his visionary entrepreneurship and ability to build multi billion dollar empires from the ground up. Rising from humble beginnings Hakkak’s innate talent for spotting lucrative opportunities. And coupled with his shrewd deal-making acumen.He has propelled him to the upper echelons of success.

His wife Marissa Shipman is no slouch herself. She is the brilliant mind behind one of the world’s fastest-growing skincare and cosmetics brands. Shipman’s company has revolutionized the industry with its unwavering commitment to clean, non-toxic formulations and sustainable practices.

Property Features

The Hakkak-Shipman’s new digs are nothing short of palatial. And befitting their status as industry titans. Situated on nearly an acre of prime waterfront land the sprawling 14,000 square foot mansion boasts an impressive 7 bedrooms and 9 bathrooms. And ensuring ample space for both luxurious living and entertaining on a grand scale.

Among the estate’s most notable features are:

  • A resort-style pool with stunning water views
  • A state-of-the-art home theater
  •  A temperature-controlled wine cellar
  •  A separate guest house for accommodating visitors

Previous Ownership

The sellers of this opulent estate were none other than Micky and Madeleine Arison. The former CEO of Carnival Cruises and his wife. After undertaking extensive renovations the Arisons initially listed the property in 2015 with an eye-watering asking price of $23 million. Undoubtedly the Hakkak Shipmans secured a considerable bargain by snagging it for $13.6 million.

Other Notable Sales in Gables Estates

The Hakkak-Shipman’s acquisition is merely the latest in a string of jaw-dropping real estate deals that have taken place in the prestigious Gables Estates neighborhood. Just last year billionaire businessman Edward Lampert made headlines when he shelled out a staggering $38 million.

For a modern 17000 square foot mansion in the same area. These transactions underscore the fact that when industry heavyweights seek new residences. And no expense is spared in securing the utmost in luxury and exclusivity.

Background of Andre Hakkak and Marissa Shipman

Background of Andre Hakkak and Marissa Shipman

Before delving into the personal and professional lives of this power couple, let’s take a closer look at their respective backgrounds and the paths that led them to their current positions of influence and affluence.

Andre Hakkak

Born into modest circumstances Hakkak’s journey to the pinnacle of business success is a testament to his unwavering determination and entrepreneurial spirit. From his early days as a scrappy upstart he exhibited a keen eye for identifying untapped markets and capitalizing on emerging trends.

Through a combination of strategic acquisitions calculated risk-taking and an uncompromising commitment to excellence. Hakkak has built a diverse portfolio of companies spanning multiple sectors solidifying his reputation as a titan of industry.

Marissa Shipman

While Hakkak’s prowess lies in the realm of business. Shipman’s domain is the ever-evolving world of beauty and skincare. A true trailblazer she recognized the growing consumer demand for clean ethically sourced. And sustainable cosmetic products long before it became a mainstream movement.

Leveraging her expertise in biochemistry and a passion for holistic wellness, Shipman launched her groundbreaking beauty brand with the mission of empowering women to embrace their natural radiance without compromising their health or the environment.

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Marissa Shipman’s Professional Career

Marissa Shipman’s remarkable professional journey is a testament to her unwavering dedication innovative spirit and deep understanding of the beauty industry’s evolving landscape.

Industry Recognition and Awards

Shipman’s pioneering efforts have not gone unnoticed. As she has been the recipient of numerous prestigious accolades and honors including:

  • Ernst & Young Entrepreneurial Winning Woman (2021): This coveted award recognizes Shipman’s exceptional leadership sustained business success and commitment to empowering other women entrepreneurs.
  • Inc Magazine’s Female Founders 100 (2020): A well-deserved nod to Shipman’s remarkable achievement in building one of the fastest-growing privately-held companies owned by a woman.
  • CEW’s Eco Beauty Brand of the Year (2019): A testament to Shipman’s unwavering dedication to sustainable and environmentally-conscious practices within the beauty industry.

Innovations and Product Developments

Shipman’s brand has consistently pushed the boundaries of innovation, introducing groundbreaking products that have raised the bar for clean and effective skincare solutions. Some of her most notable innovations include First to market

Anti-aging serums using vegan growth factors: A game-changing development that harnesses the power of plant-based ingredients to promote cellular rejuvenation and combat visible signs of aging.

Moisture-locking lipstick: Shipman’s brand revolutionized the lipstick experience by developing a formula that delivers intense. And long-lasting color while keeping lips hydrated and nourished.

Sustainable packaging made from plants: In keeping with her commitment to sustainability, Shipman’s brand was an early adopter of eco-friendly packaging solutions derived from renewable plant sources.

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 Founding and Growth of the Beauty Brand

What began as a small online store operating out of Shipman’s apartment has blossomed into a global beauty powerhouse, carried by major retailers like Sephora and Ulta. Her company’s meteoric rise can be attributed to several key factors:

  • Pioneering Clean Beauty Philosophy
  • Omnichannel Business Model
  • Relentless Innovation

Relationship Between Andre Hakkak and Marissa Shipman

Relationship Between Andre Hakkak and Marissa Shipman

The dynamic between Andre Hakkak and Marissa Shipman is one of mutual respect, shared ambition, and unwavering support for each other’s professional pursuits.

According to industry insiders the couple’s paths first crossed at a prestigious tech conference in 2012. where they immediately hit it off over their shared passion for innovation and their desire to leave an indelible mark on their respective fields.

Their initial spark blossomed into a lasting connection, culminating in their marriage in 2015. Since then they have become each other’s staunchest supporters celebrating one another’s triumphs. And providing a solid foundation for their individual and collective ambitions to flourish.

Marissa Shipman’s Personal Life and Interests

Beyond her role as a trailblazing entrepreneur, Marissa Shipman embraces a vibrant personal life that perfectly complements her professional pursuits. An avid practitioner of yogaShipman finds solace and rejuvenation in the ancient discipline.

Allowing her to maintain a sense of balance amidst the demands of her high-profile career. Her love for the arts is evident in her impressive collection of contemporary paintings and sculptures, a testament to her appreciation for creativity in all its forms.

Frequently Asked Question

Who is Andre Hakkak’s wife?

Andre Hakkak’s wife is Marissa Shipman, the founder of a prominent beauty brand.

How did Marissa Shipman secure the $13.6 million Coral Gables mansion?

Marissa Shipman and Andre Hakkak purchased the mansion through a private sale.

What are some notable features of the Coral Gables mansion?

The mansion boasts luxurious amenities, expansive living spaces, and stunning architectural design.

Why did Marissa Shipman choose Coral Gables for their new home?

Coral Gables offers a prestigious and exclusive residential environment, making it an ideal choice for Marissa Shipman and Andre Hakkak.

Are there any unique aspects to Marissa Shipman’s career?

Yes, Marissa Shipman’s career is marked by her innovative leadership in the beauty industry.


In securing the $13.6 million Coral Gables mansion Andre Hakkak and his wife. Marissa Shipman has not only acquired luxurious property but has also solidified their status as prominent figures in their respective fields. Their joint venture reflects their shared vision for a prosperous future and underscores their commitment to excellence.

As Marissa Shipman continues to make strides in the beauty industry with her innovative approach and unwavering dedication, Andre Hakkak’s support serves as a cornerstone of their success. This acquisition symbolizes more than just a real estate transaction. It signifies the culmination of hard work perseverance and a shared journey towards achieving their dreams.

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